Governance of a City-State
SP 2011: Singapore as a Global City – A Balancing Act

By Sylvia Lim (SP 201, Page 25)

Singaporeans must feel empowered at home.

To this end, it is felt that the government should retreat from spheres of life that are not central to government functions, and allow authentic leadership to grow organically. Examples of such spheres include sports associations, consumer groups, and grassroots organisations. By facilitating the evolution of natural leaders, Singaporeans  can “own” their pet causes and feel that they have a stake in Singapore’s evolving society.

Political diversity should also be celebrated as an important means of keeping Singaporeans engaged in the country’s direction and future. Not valuing such diversity creates the risk of apathy and cynicism towards “top down” initiatives. Empowerment at home must include diverse voices competing for public opinion, so that the public will be engaged in making choices that determine the country’s directions.

The above excerpts are from the article by Sylvia Lim for Singapore Perspectives 2011.

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