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Asean Matters! Reflecting on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Asean Matters! Reflecting on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations edited by Lee Yoong Yoong.

aseanmatters200The initiative to establish the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Community was adopted by the ten leaders at the 2003 Bali Summit in Indonesia. Since then, the concept of a community building process in ASEAN has become an issue that attracts a great deal of attention from scholars and experts around the world.

ASEAN Matters! Reflecting on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations carries essays with different perspectives on critical issues relating to the three pillars in building the ASEAN Community, namely the ASEAN Political and Security Community; the ASEAN Economic Community; and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. In a nutshell, this book provides broad and invaluable insights into the role ASEAN plays in enhancing peace, prosperity, and stability in the Southeast Asian region.


Written in a highly accessible style, the contents include both a thorough review of current issues and a succinct overview of the past and future direction of ASEAN. The book reiterates the continued and strengthening relevance of ASEAN, 43 years after its founding.

Unlike most other books on ASEAN, a majority of the essays are written by former professional staff at the ASEAN Secretariat, as well as from current office holders. This gives the volume a high degree of authenticity and unique insights. More interestingly, it also includes viewpoints from experts, scholars, diplomats and officials who either have extensive research knowledge or had been involved in ASEAN’s external and economic relations with the dialogue partners, such as China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the European Union (EU), among others.



Tommy Koh


Lee Yoong Yoong


The Contributors


Chapter 1

ASEAN: What It Cannot Do, What It Can and Should Do by Rodolfo C. Severino

Chapter 2

ASEAN’s Potential and Role: A Review by Tran Duc Minh

Chapter 3

The Promises and Contradictions of ASEAN  by Liu Yanling

Chapter 4

Can We Do Anything about the Unimplemented ASEAN Agreements? by Bernard K.M. Tai

Chapter 5

ASEAN’s Perception Problem  by S. Tiwari

Chapter 6

ASEAN: The Challenge Is Upon Us  by Bandol Lim

Chapter 7

Covering ASEAN for Three Decades  by Kavi Chongkittavorn

Chapter 8

Three Decades of ASEAN Linkage: Brunei Darussalam, from 1984 Towards 2015 by Pushpa Thambipillai

Chapter 9

ASEAN and East Timor: Family Someday?  by Noordin Azhari



Chapter 10

ASEAN: A Pillar of Regional Stability by Johari Achee

Chapter 11

Relevance of ASEAN in Forging Regional Peace, Security and Prosperity by Nicholas T. Dammen

Chapter 12

The Nargis Experience: Pragmatic Solutions Towards Change by Moe Thuzar

Chapter 13

ASEAN Efforts in Dealing with Transnational Crime by Un Sovannasam



Chapter 14

ASEAN Economic Integration: The Strategic Imperative by Ong Keng Yong

Chapter 15

Overcoming the Obstacles: Increasing ASEAN Relevance in the Promotion of Regional Trade by David Martin

Chapter 16

Trade Dispute Settlement within ASEAN by David Chin Soon Siong

Chapter 17

From AFTA to Free Movement in ASEAN: A Bridge Too Far? by Lok Hwee Chong

Chapter 18

ASEAN Integration Enters the Critical Stage: A Private Sector’s Narrative by Tai Hui

Chapter 19

The Germination of Asian Financial Security by Suthad Setboonsarng

Chapter 20

Does ASEAN Benefit Business? by Raul L. Cordenillo

Chapter 21

ASEAN and Australia Partnership: Time for Business and People to Lead by Christopher Findlay and David Parsons

Chapter 22

Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline: More than Just a Pipe Dream by Zainal Abidin Matassan and Lee Yoong Yoong

Chapter 23

Encompassing the AEC Blueprint into ASEAN’s Subregional Frameworks: A Commentary by Gary P. Krishnan



Chapter 24

Population Ageing in ASEAN: Prospects and Implications by Kang Soon Hock and Yap Mui Teng

Chapter 25

Making ASEAN Relevant to the Young by Diana Lee

Chapter 26

ASEAN and Human Capital by Faizal Bin Yahya

Chapter 27

The ASEAN Quest for Greater Engagement and Commitment by Braema Mathiaparanam



Chapter 28

Lao PDR’s Role in ASEAN-China Trade Ties by H.E. Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh

Chapter 29

ASEAN’s Diplomatic Importance to China by Sheng Lijun

Chapter 30

ASEAN as a Mover of Asian Regionalism by Akiko Fukushima

Chapter 31

What I have Always Wondered about ASEAN: A Perspective from ROK by Lee Sun-Jin

Chapter 32

India’s Place and ASEAN’s Primacy in the New East Asia by P.S. Suryanarayana

Chapter 33

Reflections on Regionalism: The ASEAN Journey by Simon Murdoch

Chapter 34

ASEAN and Latin America: Time for a Vibrant Connectivity by Paulo Alberto da Silveira Soares

Chapter 35

Building a Strategic Partnership: A Review of Relations between ASEAN and the ILO by Ng Gek-Boo



Chapter 36

The Future of ASEAN: Obsolescent or Resilient? 283 by Amitav Acharya

Chapter 37

How Can ASEAN Stay Relevant? by Joergen Oerstroem Moeller

Chapter 38

ASEAN into the Future: Towards a Better Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Co-operation Programmesby Azmi Mat Akhir

Chapter 39

Strengthening the Foundation for an ASEAN Community by Wilfrido V. Villacorta


Annex I: Press Statement


Lee, Yoong Yoong, ed. 2011. Asean Matters! Reflecting on the Association of Southeast Asian. Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies and World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd.

(326 pages, ISBN-13 978-981-4335-06-5, ISBN-10 981-4335-06-1)




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